Read our current issue of new articles submitted to us by authors in various fields of Medicine and Public Health.

Read our past issues of articles by authors in various fields of Medicine and Public Health.

First podcast from the Global Journal of Medicine and Public Health hosted by the insightful Lisasha Poudel Advisor Global Journal of Medicine and Public Health , this podcast dives into the latest trends, research, and innovations in medicine and public health. Stay tuned for engaging discussions with experts, thought leaders, and contributors from around the globe. Together, we aim to inspire dialogue and drive impact in the field.

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The following change in Copyright Policy will be applied to all issues commencing with the January 2022 issue. Submission of a manuscript implies that the work described has not been published before (except in the form of an abstract or as part of a published lecture, or thesis) and that it is not under consideration for publication elsewhere. If the article is accepted for publication in GJMEDPH, authors continue to retain their copyright of the article and grant GJMEDPH the right of first publishing of their article. Articles published will include Creative Commons license information: Open Access article under CC BY-NC-ND 4.0

Suhitha R Das, Deepthi R, Anil N S, Balakrishnan R

Viewed/Downloaded : 1328

Krishna Sharma, Vijaya Laxmi Shrestha, Prabin Shrestha, Ram Bahadur Shrestha

Viewed/Downloaded : 145

Bhuvaneshwari Prabha, Hema Malini S, Pragathi V, Evanglin Sharon S, Arunachalam

Viewed/Downloaded : 140

Sandesh Regmi, Prabin Shrestha, Shobha Gaihre, Narendra Singh Thagunna

Viewed/Downloaded : 82

Kavitha Das, Carlos Alfonso

Viewed/Downloaded : 79